The events of the series continue in Superman (2025)
Follows a group of military superhumans consisting of a human leader, a werewolf, a vampire, Frankenstein’s monster, and a gorgon. Series writer and creator James Gunn is shown in the opening credits with a laptop typing up a script. . Featured in AniMat’s Crazy Cartoon Cast: The Return of the (Hill) King (2023).
Only 3 episodes in and I’m already hooked
Moliendo Café (Grinding Coffee) (uncredited)Traditional[Title Sequence Music]. They did a great job with the casting, voice acting, writing, and even the music. Not only are these great songs, but they are fitting and build on the story. In the few episodes I’ve seen, the characters have already developed depth and personality.
They are neither perfect nor boring
For now, they are de-emphasizing the main plot, in order to tell the backstory of each character, which will continue to drive their development as a team and as individuals. Which I think is a great way to start. While this is happening, I don’t even notice how little the main plot is progressing. The series is full of comedic moments, but you can also feel attached to the characters.
Thanks for reading
I highly recommend this series and I can’t wait to see where it takes us. I hope this convinces you to give it a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the least. Looking for something different to add to your watchlist?